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© 1999 - 2011 League of Women Voters of Alabama and
League of Women Voters of the United States

The following action alert was issued by the National League on 2/16/11. Please contact your Representative as directed below and urge him to oppose any legislation that would block or prevent action to clean up our air. Thank you!

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The House of Representatives has unveiled a spending bill that will roll back and defund programs that control life-threatening pollution. This legislation will effectively stop the EPA from protecting America’s most vulnerable groups, such as seniors and children, in favor of protecting the bottom line of big polluters.

Take action now to tell your Representative to oppose any legislation that would block or prevent action to clean up our air and protect the most vulnerable Americans.

For decades the EPA has protected the health of children, seniors and all the rest of us from dangerous pollutants through the Clean Air Act. In just the last twenty years, carbon monoxide, which negatively affects those with heart and lung diseases, has been cut by seventy percent.


1. Contact your Representative now and tell him or her to oppose any legislation that would block or prevent action to clean up our air and protect the most vulnerable Americans. You can also call your Representative at 202-225-3121.

2. Send this alert to other concerned citizens -- your grassroots network, your friends and coworkers. Encourage them to contact their elected leaders.

League of Women Voters
1730 M Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036

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