A Publication of The League of Women Voters of Greater Birmingham

Published August 2004

Postal Service Works to Expedite Military Absentee Ballots
(This information was obtained from an article by Jon Runyan in ARNEWS, 7-13-04.)

The U.S. Postal Service has designed a new labeling system to expedite delivery of absentee ballots to military personnel deployed around the world.

USPS employees will contact 3,000 county election officials throughout the U.S. to coordinate mailing of absentee ballots. When local ballots are printed local post offices will send them via overnight Express Mail to the three military gateway cities, San Francisco, Miami and New York. There the ballots will be sorted by destination and placed in specially marked containers for delivery. The Military Postal System will give the ballots priority handling for delivery overseas. For their return trip, the MPS will ensure that completed ballots receive a legible postmark and are placed in special containers for priority delivery to U.S. county election officials.

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