League logoTHE VOTER
A Publication of The League of Women Voters of Greater Birmingham

Published August 2007

Be a Part of the Plan -- A Note from the President

In the heat of the Summer your new Board planned the coming year with enthusiasm and bright ideas.  It was refreshing to see such passion for our organization and the interest of citizen involvement and awareness.  This will be a grand year to participate in activities from voter service to the Birmingham mayoral forum to Observer Corps to topic studies and more.  An article on page three of this Voter provides more detail on our Planning Meeting.
LWVGB Board 2007 - 2008
On July 28th the LWVGB Board members met for an all day planning meeting. In attendance were (L to R) Sarah McDonald, Nancy Ekberg, Cissy Bennett, Virginia Randolph, Kaydee Erdreich-Bremen. Not pictured Kathryn Kerchof
Under Ann Smith's leadership, the Observer Corps has pushed to the forefront this past year, resulting in an article in The Birmingham News about how these volunteers are the eyes and ears of citizens at government meetings.  Our observers alert us to issues for comment or advocacy.  There are many more meetings that could use observers.  If you would like to participate, please call our League phone number 583-5000 or email us at admin@lwvgb.org.  We can give you an orientation and get you started right away.

Thanks go to Nancy Ekberg and Betty Warnock for designing and publishing a new Member Brochure.  I particularly am attracted to their true statement "The League strengthens and protects Democracy by involvement in civic activity".  We can list numerous actions of our local League working at making a difference.  Recently, in addition to the Observer Corps discussed above, the Citizens Advisory Board of Birmingham has requested a representative of our League.  Yvonne Brakefield is serving and has been selected as Vice Chair of the group's study of the city elections.  We have a forum for the candidates for Mayor, and we are partnering with a group of other local non-partisan civic groups.
In June, I had the opportunity to attend the LWV Council meeting in Washington D.C.   What a treat to be in a room with so many women and men who are passionate about our democracy and who think with facts before them!  The National League is focusing this year’s advocacy on campaign finance reform, civil liberties, D.C. voting rights, election administration, ethics and lobbying reform, global climate change, and health care reform.  Eleanor Holmes Norton spoke to us on D.C. voting rights with the history, the current status and the wish for citizens of Washington D.C. to be fully represented in Congress.  LWV supports this effort.  As is often the case, it was the conversation held with others that provided suggestions for us in our own League.

This year will be an excellent opportunity for us to make a difference in the community through many projects.  Each of us must make it an individual priority to join in, participate, and strengthen our democracy.

I am look forward to working with each of you.

 -- Ginny

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For further information about the League of Women Voters of Greater Birmingham,
call 205 583-5000 or visit on-line at 