At the 2006
LWBGB Holiday Luncheon, Congressman Artur Davis said that he hopes to
“encourage reasonable discourse” during the 110th
Congress. In his view, both Republicans and Democrats are dissatisfied
with the way current politics presuppose that we disagree. Issues, he
told the group, are framed in a way to force politicians into a
box. He expressed concern about the tendency for campaigns to
avoid complex issues; instead, he said, they focus on portraying the
opponent as “a bad person.” Davis believes that we
can have “politics about purpose” and that
voters’ best instincts will carry the day if they have enough
information. |
Congressman Artur Davis, D, District 7, spoke to 40 LWVGB members and
friends at our 2006 Holiday Luncheon at The Club in
Birmingham. He has since been appointed to serve on the Ways
and Means Committee during the 110th Congress.