A Publication of The League of Women Voters of Greater Birmingham

Published September 2004

Becky Davis registers voters at the LWVGB table during the Art Walk September 11. League volunteers registered over 100 voters in the Birmingham area during the first two weeks of September. Registration activities will continue through October.

President's Message

This is a most important time for the League and the country. We are staffing many voter registrations all over Jefferson and Shelby counties. We sit next to huge inflated cows at various Chick-Fil-A restaurants. We are part of the happening scene in the city. We are everywhere. None of this would happen without the excellent planning by Ginnie Randolph and her Voter Services committee.

In a few weeks we will continue the pre-election theme with our Membership meeting on Help America Vote Act. Anne Marie Adams, Jefferson County Circuit Clerk, will be our speaker. This is an important meeting as a number of things have changed in the registration/voting process. Please plan to attend and bring a friend who might be interested in the topic and the League. Details on the meeting are elsewhere in this newsletter.

In October we are planning a “League Fair.” Come and find ways to become involved in the League. Now that we are growing again, we have many activities that need League volunteers. Details will be in the next newsletter.

A last thought: Don’t you wish that, just once, the presidential candidates would stop slinging mud and just say what they would do for the myriad of problems facing the country today? What if they were required to do so by law? Hmmmmmm.

Sarah McDonald

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For further information about the League of Women Voters of Greater Birmingham,
call 205 968-9186 or visit on-line at